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Λέξεις Κλειδιά

Μάης 2024


Ημερολόγιο Ημερολόγιο

    L2 & Ki * IODINE


    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 11
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 13/11/2015
    Ηλικία : 58
    Τόπος : Nicosia

     L2 & Ki * IODINE Empty L2 & Ki * IODINE

    Δημοσίευση από VFSO_Hawk Παρ Νοε 13, 2015 7:41 pm

    Iodine is utilized by every hormone receptor in the body. The absence of iodine causes a hormonal dysfunction that can be seen with practically every hormone inside the body. Dr. Flechas has recently been able to show that patients with insulin resistant diabetes have a partial to full remission of their illness in the presence of taking iodine. Iodine deficiency is also felt to be the source of ovarian cysts. With iodine replacement therapy the cysts disappear and women have stopped having ovarian cysts.”
    All cells in the body need iodine for proper functioning. All glands (thyroid, adrenal, etc.) especially need iodine for the production of hormones. Dr. Brownstein believes that iodine deficiency is a major cause of breast cancer and other diseases of the reproductive organs such as ovarian, uterus and prostrate cysts and cancers. Iodine levels in US soil have fallen 50 per cent over the past 50 years and soil in the US is deficient in iodine. The Great Lakes region has some of lowest soil iodine levels in the world and this results in high levels of cancers related to iodine deficiency. Dr. Brownstein has been quite successful in treating fibrocystic breast disease (cysts in the breast) with iodine/iodine supplementation. In one case a 37 year-old woman with severe fibrocystic breast disease was completely cured after supplementing with 50 mgs of iodine a day for two months. Women with large breasts need more iodine than women with smaller breasts. Other medical authorities agree that iodine deficiency can lead to fibrocystic breast disease and/or ovarian cysts Iodine can similarly reduce uterine fibroids medical and one of the first conventional treatments for severe fibroids was to paint the uterus with iodine. [4] Some other medical conditions associated with iodine deficiency are goiters, Graves’ Disease, Hashimoto’s Disease, fatigue and impaired immune system function. Iodine deficiency during pregnancy can lead to miscarriages and reduced IQ in surviving offspring. The World Health Organization says that iodine deficiency is the largest single cause of retardation. Iodine also detoxifies the body by removing mercury, fluorides, chlorides, and bromides.
    “If you think you may be deficient in Iodine, consider this; most of the population has one or more mercury amalgam fillings in their mouths. A consequence of this is that minute amounts of the heavy metal mercury are continuously being released into the mouth and absorbed into the body. This toxication stimulates a natural detox reaction by the body. Several mechanisms are utilized to remove the mercury. In order for these detoxification mechanisms to work properly, numerous essential minerals are utilized. Iodine, Zinc, Sulfur, Selenium, and Silica stimulate the excretion of heavy metals including mercury. Iodine is at the top of the list when it comes to mercury removal.

    “Unfortunately, the average persons daily intake of Iodine is not high enough to keep them mercury free even when not exposed to excessive levels. Add on the exposure of mercury from vaccinations, smoking, etc., and you have the potential for serious heavy metal toxicity. This toxicity can manifest itself in many ways causing problems that would not normally be attributed to high levels of mercury.
    “Iodine is essential for the health of the: Thyroid, Breast and Prostate.
    “Iodine chelates:
    • Mercury
    • Lead
    • Cadmium
    • Aluminum
    • Bromide
    “Iodine helps to improve:
    • Bowel irregularity
    • Brain fog
    • Renaud’s syndrome (numb finger tips)
    • Low energy
    • Sensitivity to cold
    • Skin complexion
    “In addition to mercury toxicity, you naturally have a major deficiency in the essential mineral Iodine if you are getting at or below the outdated RDA. Additionally, fluoride is an antagonistic element to Iodine, meaning it will impede the absorption of Iodine. Many of us are forced to drink fluoridated water and also brush our teeth with fluoride. Could an Iodine deficiency be related in some way to the current epidemic of hypothyroidism, breast, ovarian and prostate cancers? The protective function of Iodine in these tissues has not been described, but the fact that these tissues when healthy are replete with Iodine, and when diseased have little or no Iodine, leads one to think there is more than a casual link.”
    thyroid - this gland performs other functions besides killing harmful germs in the blood.
    The first is the rebuilding of energy with which to do the day’s work. There is a definite relationship between the amount of energy you have and your iodine intake. The first question in the presence of a condition of depleted energy is, Is the soil of the state in which one lives iodine-poor? Second, is the deficiency being made up by supple-mentary means? All soils containing granite are iodine-poor

    A second function of iodine is to calm the body and relieve nervous tension. When nervous tension runs high there is irritability and difficulty in sleeping well at night, and the body is continually on a combat basis, organized for fight and flight. All these points stress a body’s need for iodine to lessen nervous tension, relax the body and enable it to organize for peace and quiet, by the building and storing of body reserves against time of need.

    • it is possible to repeatedly change an irritable, impatient, and restless child under ten years of age into a calm, patient individual within two hours’ time by giving one drop of Lugol’s solution of iodine by mouth in a vegetable or fruit juice or in a glass of water made acid in reaction by adding a teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar. I have repeatedly prescribed this in order to make it possible for a mother of a racehorse-type little boy or girl to be able to live comfortably with the child. I have never seen it fail to calm down a nervous child.

    A third function of iodine in the human body relates to clear thinking. The mind simply works better when the body is supplied the iodine it needs. Then there is the matter of the storing of unwanted fat. Iodine is one of the best oxidizing catalysts we have. A catalyst is the match which touches off in the body the fire that burns up the food we take in each day. If this food is not properly burned off, it may be stored as unwanted fat.
    Now while the thyroid gland helpfully stores iodine from the blood passing through it every 17 minutes, the gland may also be made to lose that stored iodine if, for example, we take in drinking water to which chlorine is added, or use too much sodium chloride, whose common name is table salt.
    There is a well-known law of halogen displacement.
    The halogen group is made up as follows:
    Relative Halogen Atomic Weight
    Fluorine 19.
    Chlorine 35.5
    Bromine 80.
    Iodine 127.
    The critical activity of any one of these four halogens is in inverse proportion to its atomic weight. This means that any one of the four can displace the element with a higher atomic weight, but cannot displace an element with a lower atomic weight. For example, fluorine can displace chlorine, bromine and iodine because fluorine has a lower atomic weight than the other three. Similarly, chlorine can displace bromine and iodine because they both have a higher atomic weight. Likewise, bromine can displace iodine from the body because iodine has a higher atomic weight. But a reverse order is not possible. A knowledge of this well-known chemical law brings us to a consideration of the addition of chlorine to our drinking water as a purifying agent. We secure a drinking water that is harmful to the body not because of its harmful germ content but because the chlorine content now causes the body to lose the much-needed iodine.
    Because we may live in an iodine-poor area; because our water may be treated with chlorine and fluorine; because we may be sick too often, lack energy and endurance, develop nervous tension, lack the ability of clear thinking, and accumulate unwanted fat, how shall we go about bringing up the iodine content of the body to the point needed?
    There are three ways: 1. Eating foods which analysis has shown are particularly rich in iodine. Among these are: all food out of the ocean, radishes, asparagus, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, rhubarb, potatoes, peas, strawberries, mushrooms, lettuce, bananas, cabbage, egg yolk, and onions. 2. Painting a small area of the body with tincture of iodine. 3. Taking preparations known to be rich in iodine. One of these is cod-liver oil. Another is Lugol’s solution of iodine. Still another is kelp.
    In 1880 a French physician named Lugol originated a solution which contains iodine in a solution of potassium iodide.
    It has been used steadily ever since it was originated.

      Η τρέχουσα ημερομηνία/ώρα είναι Τετ Μάης 08, 2024 2:03 am